Finally understand GIT the right way –
0 € Webinar

From professionals for professionals: many top companies rely on our expertise.

You will get to know Git in a completely new way

Not as a collection of cryptic commands and throwaway knowledge from Stack Overflow, but as a content-addressable file system. With this mental model, all the commands you think you know break down into concepts, that you really understand.

Why you need this GIT webinar:

  • You’ve probably been using Git for years. Maybe you’re like most people: you know `git clone`, `git add`, `git commit`, `git push` in your sleep, but as soon as there’s a merge conflict, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach.

  • A colleague has implemented a fix on his branch, but you don’t want to merge the whole branch.

  • You have deleted a branch, but now want to recover something from a lost commit. How nice it would be to know where Git has stored these things!

  • You have accidentally committed a password and then reverted the commit. Is the password really gone now?

And why you’ll love it:

  • You will get to know Git in a completely new way: Not as a collection of cryptic commands and throwaway knowledge from Stack Overflow, but as a content-addressable file system.

  • With this mental model, all the commands you think you know break down into concepts that you seriously understand.

  • In this webinar, we reconstruct the internal mechanisms of Git by implementing the basic operations with Python itself.

  • The mystery of ‘git reset’ will vanish before your eyes as you understand exactly what operations are taking place. We finish with advanced techniques such as interactive staging and rebasing, cherry-picking, and working with the reflog.

  • After this webinar you will be able to stand on your own two feet when there is a new Git problem to solve!

Your webinar leader and GIT professional Maxim Wandrowski

Maxim is either on his laptop or out in the woods with his dog. He started programming as a hobby at the age of 14. After studying physics, his love of coding grew and he came to us to pursue this passion professionally. He now shares his love of deep concepts and elegant solutions with interested participants at the Academy. He has always enjoyed taking things apart to understand them better: as a child, his sister’s toy washing machine and later software. In this webinar, it’s now Git’s turn. And unlike his sister’s washing machine, he will be putting Git back together with you.

Register now for the


Objectives of the webinar

  • Introduction of the underlying abstractions of Git
  • Relearning the known Git commands
  • Understanding staging and reset
  • Learning advanced commands and workflows

Date: 15.11.2024 / 7 p.m.
Language: German

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